Not your Grandmother's Weather Prediction
Let's face it: Weddings take a great deal of planning and forethought, especially outdoor celebrations. They're not exactly the type of party you can pull together on a week's notice after you've checked the weather forecast! And yet, sunshine is the #1 desire of every couple planning an outdoor wedding.
Traditional forecasting tools like The Old Farmer's Almanac offer a picture of the weather to come over a long period of time which, though doubtlessly not a perfect predictor, may give you a valuable estimate. is a modern alternative that you might also want to consult. The Web site, still in beta format, claims to give weather predictions up to a year in advance—something that could definitely be handy if you're planning an outdoor ceremony! It's tricky to tell how accurate these predictions will be, especially at such an early stage in the technology's development, so you'll want to be prepared to adapt your ceremony to Mother Nature anyway: It can never hurt to have all of your bases covered.
So brides, what do you think? Leave us a comment and tell us how much stock you place in long-range weather predicting technology.
Labels: online wedding tools